*** Buyer Agrees To The Following Conditions of Sale ***
A Non-refundable deposit of $250.00 in a POST OFFICE money order is required to reserve a kitten/cat.
Breeder reserves the right to refuse sale of kitten/cat at any time up to the time of delivery or prior to buyer taking possession,
in which case a full refund will be made.

1.) The Buyer promises to maintain this kitten/cat in lifelong good condition with annual check-ups, timely vaccinations, and proper diet, and hygienic conditions. The Buyer agrees, if they so desire, to have this kitten/cat examined by another veterinarian of their choice as soon as possible and no later than one week to confirm to their satisfaction that this kitten is in fact healthy. A copy of the veterinary evaluation of health shall be provided to the seller within that week.
2.) The Buyer agrees that this kitten/cat will always receive prompt medical care and that the kitten will never be allowed to have parasites. Seller guarantees this kitten/cat to be free of all parasites at the time of sale.
3.) The Buyer agrees that this kitten/cat will be kept as an indoor pet ONLY and at NO TIME WILL IT BE ALLOWED TO ROAM OUT OF DOORS! In the event that this kitten/cat is ever allowed to be an indoor/outdoor cat or any other cat in the same household is permitted to be an indoor/outdoor cat, then the Buyer understands and accepts that ALL HEALTH GUARANTEES ARE COMPLETELY NULL AND VOID and the Seller will not be held accountable for any medical illness or disease that this kitten/cat may develope. It is the Seller's belief that the exposure to the outdoors or to another cat that goes outdoors can be highly detrimental to this kittens future health and well being. Buyer must accept full responsibilty for such actions and any possible consequences.
4.) Buyer agrees that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will this kitten/cat be sold, leased, or given to any pet shop, animal shelter, or research facility.
5.) This kitten/cat has been appropriately immunized for its age and the Seller will provide the Buyer with a record of immunizations upon delivery of the kitten.
6.) The Buyer agrees NOT to transfer ownership of this kitten/cat or place it in another home without first notifying ForeverYoung Cattery and Kimberlee M. Young VMD and providing the Seller with right of first refusal. If at any time the Buyer does not want this kitten, the Seller reserves the right of first refusal of ownership. If the Buyer cannot find a good home approved by the Seller, the Seller will require the return of the kitten at no expense to the Seller. If the kitten is given or sold to another person other then the Buyer named above, the Seller must be notified of the name and address of the new owner and approve and the new owner must have agreed in writing to follow the terms of this agreement.
7.) ForeverYoung Birmans is a cattery that is Feline Leukemia/FIV negative. The Breeder guarantees that this kitten/cat is presently free of these diseases. Once the kitten/cat leaves the cattery, no guarantee is stated or implied that this kitten/cat will never contract these diseases. The Buyer should take steps to insure that this kitten/cat will never come in contact with these diseases.
This can be done by:
1. Not allowing the kitten/cat to come in contact with any cats that have not been FeLV/FIV tested negative twice, and with an at least 3 month interval between tests, and
2. Yearly testing of all cats in the household.
**It is NOT recommended to give the FeLV, FIP, or FIV vaccine to this Birman! All guarantees written, verbal, or implied are null and void and the Breeder assumes NO responsibility for the health of this kitten/cat if it receives ANY of these vaccines! **
8.) This kitten may be front de-clawed , at the Buyers discretion by Kimberlee M. Young VMD ONLY!!!!! This procedure/service is agreed to be provided to the Buyer by the Seller in the event the Seller elects to have such done at the agreed upon price of $300.00 cash, to be paid in full by the Buyer at the time of the procedure. Under NO circumstances is this procedure to be done by any other individual, be it a licensed veterinarian or otherwise. Dr. Young/Seller agrees to perform this procedure using state of the art equipment (surgical Laser) under sterile technique and to provide any and all immediate in hospital post-op surgical after care necessary. Buyer agrees that if they elect to have this procedure done that ONLY the front claws will be removed, and it will be done at the most appropriate age of 8-10 months at the Sellers Animal Hospital (Garden State Animal Hospital) in North Bergen New Jersey, to insure the best prognosis for healing and to avoid any adverse side effects.
** Buyer understands that the decision to de-claw is a purely elective one and accepts full responsibility for any long term unforeseen complications, behavioral changes, or secondary stress induced health problems which may result . **
9.) Breeder warrants that this kitten/cat is genetically sound and will replace this kitten with another of equal value, when one is available, at no additional cost, if this kitten dies of a purely genetic defect up to one year of age. Due to the inherent variability of breeding and litters, a cat/kitten may not be immediately available for replacement and a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed one year, will be allowed for replacement. Replacement kitten is to be chosen by Seller.
10.) Buyer agrees to notify ForeverYoung/Seller immediately should this cat become severely ill or deceased. Buyer is welcome and encouraged to bring cat/kitten back to the seller for routine check ups and in the event it should become ill for treatment by the Seller at the Seller’s animal hospital. Any said genetic defect has to be evidenced in a necropsy report performed at the expense of the Buyer, and presented to the Seller within 1 week of the necropsy and death. Necropsy report must include histopathology samples. A copy, in its entirety, of ALL vet records from time of possession are required to determine if the Buyer will get the cat replaced and is critical to this breeder’s breeding program and peace of mind.
11.) Under NO circumstances will cash money ever be refunded. ForeverYoung will NEVER be held accountable for any veterinary bills this cat/kitten may accumulate in the future at any other veterinary hospital other then the Sellers own. As with all living things, there unfortunately can be no guarantee of a future with no problems. **This cattery does not guarantee against any diseases that can be acquired AFTER the kitten/cat has left ForeverYoung Cattery. ** This includes but is not limited to anything viral, bacterial, or stress induced.
Buyer’s signature indicates that he/she has reviewed and discussed this contract with the Breeder/Seller prior to receiving said kitten/cat and is in full agreement and approval of the above terms and conditions.
Violation of any part of this contract may result in the Seller reclaiming the cat without refund. The Buyer agrees to pay all court costs in the event this contract is litigated and any suit shall be filed and tried in Hudson County of New Jersey.
Buyer’s Signature: __________________________________________________ Date:____________________
** We have some beautiful babies !! If you are interested in reserving a baby let us know.
1.) "Bali"(Blue pt) X "Farouk"( Seal pt)
~ 2 seal point males available
~ blue point female (Reserved for Nina)
2.) "Foreign Affair "(Choc. pt) X "Geronimo" ( Blue Lynx pt)
~ 1 choc. male (Reserved for Lorraine)
~ 1 lilac lynx female available
~ 1 seal lynx male available
3.) "Dream Girl" (Seal pt) X "Farouk" (Seal pt)
~ 1 choc male available
4.) Beautiful spayed 6 month old chocolate female available !
5.) We also have a gorgeous very sweet adult neutered cream point 5 1/2 year old male named "Coda" available to a great home!